Who Are The Birdsongs?

Micah grew up in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and I, Laura, grew up in Lufkin, Texas. We met at A&M Fish Camp when we were freshmen and were married after graduating. Micah graduated with a BS in Architecture, and I with a BBA in Marketing. Micah and I both became believers in Jesus Christ at an early age and had a personal relationship with Him growing up. This set the foundation for how Christ would work through and in us later in life. Although we have endured ups and downs in life, as everyone does,our faith grew together and is the driving force behind who we are today. We try to keep our hearts focused on what God is doing in every facet of our life.


Our Story

Micah started his career in Dallas and after a year, we made the move to Houston to start work with one of the top production homebuilders in the country. I was blessed to be offered an opportunity to work with the same company and we stayed in Houston for two years before Micah was offered a promotion in Austin. After spending much time in prayer, we decided to turn down the opportunity for another promotion for Micah which included a move to North Carolina. That was a difficult decision for us but looking back now, it was a major turning point for us in our careers. It made us really consider what we wanted for our careers and our life together. We wanted a different kind of success than what the world defines and we began praying for answers on what that would look like for us. We received a pretty clear answer – we both needed to quit our jobs and take a leap of faith. As soon as we put our notices in, God began opening doors for us to create Birdsong Design Group. We moved back to Lufkin to be close to family and started fresh.

A woman walking in a white kitchen.

Why We Love Design

Design is something that Micah has enjoyed ever since the days of playing with Legos as a toddler! In high school, he took a drafting class his senior year which solidified his desire to pursue architecture. He also has many memories of accompanying his mom on Parade of Home tours which showcased beautiful homes around DFW. Micah loved to imagine how people could use and enjoy spaces in their homes and desired to create that experience for them. Micah loves to help others design a home they’ll love living in. We now have many wonderful people who work with us who also share our love for design. Stay tuned for more about them!

A custom-built home with a tree in the front yard.

It All Connects Back to Our Faith!

In every piece of our story, God’s handprint is clear. He protected us, pivoted us, closed doors, opened doors and provided in so many ways. We know we are not in control and the most beautiful part of what we get to do is play a role in something that is bigger than ourselves. Design is what we do but serving and positively impacting peoples’ lives is why we do it.

If you think you’d like to work this way, give us a call. Let’s bring out life’s best for both of us!






