At Birdsong, your expertise isn’t just recognized—it’s put into action. Join forces with us and your unique skills become part of a dynamic team, where like-minded individuals thrive. We’re all about matching the ideal client with the perfect partner, infusing every project with a shared passion. Our goal? To unleash the full potential in each and every one of us.

experts in

Architectural Design

Interior Design & Decorating

Landscape Design


Project Management

Client Coordination

3D Rendering and Graphics


(In Select Markets)

Southerly Homes, one of the top custom homebuilders in Austin, was on the cusp of getting approved to build in a highly sought after community. The only problem was, they had to wow the developer with home designs that would uniquely fit the style of the community while also maximizing the potential of the lots. And they needed a design firm that could produce this in one week! This was where Birdsong Design group came in.

High Quality Design

Developers had specific requirements for the style they wanted in the community, elevated design, and a higher-end feel. We needed to maximize fairly small lots to check off quite a few of the builder’s wish list items. Birdsong’s designers absorbed every requirement given and created two beautifully designed homes.

Efficient Product Delivery

For any design, turning it around in one week is a feat. There are so many pieces that have to be put together and thought through. This is almost impossible without a highly effective team working together. The Birdsong team went above and beyond to deliver these high level designs in one week.

Graphics That Wow

One of the most important elements that can be overlooked in the presentation of any design is the graphic display. In this case, high quality graphics were a must for this developer to be wowed. Our team created impressive photo realistic renderings and enhanced floorplans delivered in a thoughtfully curated presentation.

Our client’s comment below says it all!

“Just want to say thank you! The meeting went fantastic today, and the developers were very impressed with your concepts. The developer commented “clearly this design team studied the project and are capturing the view/lifestyle across from the park…”

– Nick Quijano, Southerly Homes


Interested in being a part of the team?

Financial Coordinator

Trish has been with Birdsong for 2 years. Her favorite part of every project is meeting our clients and learning about what is important to them. She hopes to be an asset to her team and our clients by simplifying daily work and providing support every step of the way.

If you think you’d like to work this way, give us a call. Let’s bring out life’s best for both of us!